ATA.Diesel and electric tractors for ground handling,
cargo and ancillary services in airports around the world
A major operator on the airport market for 60 years, ATA is the supplier of choice of many Italian and international airports for the GSE sector (Ground Support Equipment).
ATA offers a vast range of airport ground handling solutions. Baggage tow tractors and equipment for cargo cities; Hobart gensets, Trilectron air conditioners and Lektro towbarless tugs plus a vast range of spare parts for GPU, aircraft toilet waste systems, potable water systems, air starters, J&B Aviation air conditioners.
In addition, discover our vast range of pre-owned equipment, all serviced and fully guaranteed. For any requests, don’t hesitate to contact us.
ATA 5000 GSE
Trattore ATA 5000 GSE Ideale per il cargo e il traino bagagli. Con o senza cabina Con oltre 2500 kg di sforzo al gancio, questo mezzo è l’ultimo arr [...]
ATA Zac 100
ATA ZAC100 Robusto, economico e con vasta disponibilità di optional Il trattore per trasporti aeroportuali ZAC100 è l’ideale per operazione di push [...]
ATA A20 Leprotto
ATA A20 Leprotto Ideal for towing aircraft stairs, belts, GPU and all GSE in general Small, agile, with extremely low running costs. Why use tractor [...]
Towable and self-propelled belt loaders
Nastri bagagli trainati e semoventi Con la sua gamma di nastri trainati e semoventi, diesel ad elettrici, ATA copre tutte le necessità di quegli aero [...]
Towable passenger stairs
Towable passenger stairs For door sill heights up to 6 metres and with a range of available options We design our stairs to be simple yet extremely [...]